Sunday, January 21, 2007


"But today he only saw one of the river's secrets, one that gripped his soul. He saw that the river continually flowed and flowed and yet it was always there; it was always the same and yet every moment it was new. Who could understand, conceive this?" - Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

1 comment:

grootegoed said...

just studied your new drawing and it feel very restricted compared to the first. What was the process related to the quote? it seemed to have jumped straight to architecture? the quote is very beautiful but I fear that the drawing only responds to the river as a boundary. The deep complexity of the river’s secret is not shining in your drawing. In my interpretations the writing is about change, but all with in the boundary of rules. The changes follow these rules so closely that change is seamless. So seamless that is almost hard to comprehend the depth and speed of this change. The drawing waited to be the river and play by these rules and then maybe it can become an object that participates with the river. Maybe the construction lines aren't as expressive or maybe not explored enough. Thought? Keep drawing its great to see!